

Providing real solutions to industry issues

Manufacturing remains one of the key industries for Saudi Arabia. In its various guises the Saudi Arabia manufacturing industry employs thousands of people, contributes to Saudi Arabia exports - and the Saudi Arabia is currently a growing country among manufacturing locations around the world.

There are plenty of opportunities for Saudi manufacturers to gain a competitive edge, as individual organisations and as a collective industry. The strength of Saudi Arabia manufacturing still progressing at slow pace, supported by growing Research and Development (R&D) and innovation based on the 2030 Vision, as well as making use of new and emerging technologies.

The movement towards more automation, digitisation and new materials is expected to have significant opportunities and challenges; Saudi manufacturers will need to change and invest to keep pace with national and global competitors. The pace of change over the next five to ten years will be rapid, requiring new thinking as to how best to use the different techniques that will be developed thoroughly. This is likely to have short term (education, skills, training) and long term (pressures to automate, digitise through the supply chain, reduce costs) implications.


BDO Saudi Manufacturing

Manufacturing is a priority industry for BDO Saudi and this focus enables us to tailor the wide range of services we offer and apply our skills and knowledge to help clients achieve their objectives.

We provide real solutions to industry issues, utilising our capabilities in everything from sector specific tax, audit and business advice to patent box, research and development claims and acquisition opportunities to help our clients grow in Saudi Arabia and overseas.

We understand the key issues affecting the Saudi manufacturers as an industry, but we also focus on some specific sub-sectors to improve our knowledge and our service to clients. These include:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Building Products
  • Chemicals
  • Food & Drink
  • Marine
  • Test and Measurement
  • Technology

Imran Ahmed Khan

Audit and Assurance
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