Saudi Arabia businesses will experience little respite in 2017, global commodity prices, local living wage, rapid technology changes and slow economic growth continues to exert downward pressure on corporates. Although company insolvencies have fallen back to pre-crisis levels, a significant proportion of Saudi companies are only surviving thanks to unprecedented low interest rates and creditors’ tolerance.
We combine the best of BDO Global’s turnaround and industry expertise to help businesses work their way out of complex liquidity and operational difficulties and back to health. BDO Saudi in such domain has a profound knowledge of the mid-market; we understand the rapidly increasing demands of mid-market businesses to remain competitive and prepare for the future. BDO Alamri has extensive relationships with lenders and investors which allows us to provide deeper insights and more effective solutions to businesses. We work with management teams, shareholder and financial investors to deal with underperformance, improve working capital and liquidity, generate cash, reduce costs, transform operational performance, restructure debt, integrate post-merger and implement turnaround plans to maximise performance and pursue growth.
Our services include but are not limited to:
- Turnaround and change plans
- Operational improvement
- Working capital improvement
- Liquidity solutions
- Cash generation
- Cost saving
- Time to pay
- Transformation
- Post-merger integration